The Beautiful Symbol of Holy Things.

I’m a priestess

What does that mean?

For me, there is no one explicit explanation that gives a perfectly polished answer. Sometimes it’s messy, dark, lonely and mundane. And some days I step into the resurrected remembrance of an ancient vow taken throughout lifetimes as emissary of the divine feminine and devotee to the lineage of the Goddess and the mystery school teachings of ancient lands.

Many of us have a role to play in providing the service of initiation rites as the sacred portal to the Divine, to reconnect us to what we have forgotten.
Our purpose is in the process.

I’m Jet’aime Cherée

Im a leader and luminary of the divine feminine.

I’m an Ordained Priestess, Akashic Oracle, Reiki Master, Green Witch, Tarot Teacher, Practitioner of Sacred Temple Arts, Ancient Civilizations Researcher, Spiritual Entrepreneur, Sound Alchemist and Medicine Shamana on the path of remembering and reclaiming the voice of the Goddess within. 

I am the steward of Saje Sanctuary, metaphysical musings for the modern mystic, an herbal apothecary, crystal shop and esoteric temple offering tarot, akashic record readings, dream interpretation, astrology readings, breathwork, yoga, aura photography, sound baths, and more. 

My journey of reclaiming inherent soul gifts has included living, traveling and pilgrimaging all over the world to Egypt, Thailand, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Hawaii, England, the Caribbean, Sedona, Greece, Guatemala and other mystical locations, learning from indigenous mentors, mystics and elders in all realms of ancient practices; unveiling the many mysteries that we have been making our way back to for lifetimes. 

I have declared my mission to be one of empowerment and remembrance of our royal and ancient origins linking us with the eternal and sovereign God/Goddess within. 

I foster divine dialogue in the belief that revealing our true authentic selves is the path of reclaiming our magick and power and ultimately that we are the Source of our own Sorcery.

In Divine Dedication and Heart Appreciation to these souls that have been magickal mentors, illuminating inspirations and embodied empowerment for myself and this collective;

Ke’oni Hanalei, Sarah Naia Soleil, Seren + Azra Bertrand, Achintya Devi, Rakaiel Webb, Maia Nartoomid, Eileen MCcourt, Khalilah Doughty and Aubrey Marcus.

Thank you for being here!

Thank you for your unique kaleidoscope contribution to the collective just by showing up as the fullest expression of who you are in each moment. 

Reviews & Reflections

The Akashic reading I received from Jetaime was without a doubt one of the most expansive moments in my life journey so far. Her transmission is crystal clear, full of truth, and wrapped in palpable unconditional love. I have recommended her to everyone I know - if you are thinking about booking a reading, do it. So many dots were connected during the call, and I truly feel like a piece of my soul came home that day. It’s been a powerful unfolding ever since, and I struggle to find proper words to express the depth of my gratitude! Thank you thank you to the divine conduit that is Goddess Jetaime 🙏🏻
— Rohini Elyse (Blue Light Healer & Poet)
If you are a spiritual seeker and you wish to dive into the world between realms to discover all it has to offer, Jet’aime is an eloquent and trustworthy chaperone. She holds immense power and can guide others not only because she was born a seer, but because she has transformed in those realms herself. I can think of no other woman in my life who holds a more potent mirror for the truest, highest version of myself, than Jet’aime; she is as trustworthy a channel as they come.
— Kelly Robinson (Designer)
One can feel Jet’aime’s potency when simply looking at her, but the moment she begins to speak is when her magic unfurls. Her Akashic Readings transcend time and space, truly. She is so deeply connected to Spirit, and you can feel that connection when she reads. I am incredibly particular about who I allow read for me, and I will continue to work with Jet’aime again and again. She is magic in motion!
— Kelly Clare Vittengl (Antiquarian)
Jetaime’s Akashic readings have helped me feel more connected to my guides, the support of the universe, and a deeper trust in the divine plan. She has a strong intuition, and held such a sacred container for my hearts deepest curiosities and yearnings. It’s been beautiful to witness my life unfold with Jetaime’s guidance in mind 💕”
— Meredith Rom (Priestess, Host of Rising Women Leaders Podcast)
An akashic recording reading with Jet’aime is akin to looking into a deep well that is filled with messages that are quantumly and eternally held within each ripple. The transmissions that move through Jet’aime’s ineffable channel have been a cosmic key that have granted permission for so many inner locks to finally open. She will read your soul and translate its language into a sophianic song. Receiving a reading from Jet’aime is a gift that will be remembered with reverence in every single lifetime.
— Astra (Quantum Astrologer)