Walking in the Footsteps of the Goddess


Ritual Retreat

Southern France

April 22 - May 6 2025

The wheel of time is woven by women.

 The great weavers of a lineage of priestesses, magdalenes, mages, sages and daughters of the Goddess.

Mary Magdalene and her lineage of priestesses are weavers of light, teaching the Mysteries and Magick of the Sacred Feminine in every corner of consciousness. 

In Ritual + Ceremony + Divination 

amongst intentional sacred sites of the South of France, we will connect constellations of holy shrines by invoking the Magdalene, Isis, Diana and Black Madonna energies of your Goddess Genome.

Ancient temples, ley lines, stone circles and enchanted forests beckon us deeply into their embrace as we sink into the mysteries of the south of France. Our ritual retreat will merge ancient mystery school teachings, oracular ceremonial facilitation, feminine folkloric medicines, divination and dreamspells, sun & moon devotions, invocations of ecstatic empowerment, wise woman witchery and so much more! 

Walking in the Footsteps of the Goddess is a mystical journey of expansion and initiation for thirteen women, through thirteen temples, for thirteen days.

If your entire body is buzzing with energy, continue reading for your invitation to deepen into this divine experience or Register Here:

When we understand the Mandala of the Magdalene, and that Her energy is a magic doorway opening lifetimes and lineages of initiations, we realize that not only is she connected to our ancestral past but she is the doorway to rebirth our feminine wisdom traditions and the resurrection of our powerful divine nature. 

Our initiatic journey will begin by arriving in Marseilles, France and taking a train to our lodgings situated next to a castle temple devoted to the teachings of the Magdalene and her beloved bloodline. 

Our Itinerary Will Include:

  • Pilgrimaging to Sacred Sites Devoted to the Goddess

  • Ceremonial Circles in Enchanted Forests

  • Channeling and Otherworldly Encounters at Megalithic Stone Circles

  • Baptismal Bathing in Sacred Waters

  • Tantric Energetic Activations

  • Femme Savauge - Wild Woman Witchery

  • Exploring Secret Underground Caves

  • StarFire Ceremonies Invoking the Lunar Consciousness of the Goddess

  • Sunrise Sola Terra Energy Practices

  • Connecting with the Divine Secrets of Rennes Le Château, Chair of Isis, MT. Bougarach & More

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