Magdalene Reiki Certification

We are a humble vessel of the Mystery; our remembrance mirrored within the Mother, the Mystic and the Magdalenes

These memories and teachings of the heart which speak of initiations and holiness, of dreams and truths which have outlived time. 

These living prayers awaken within us now. 

Every age has an archetypical or overarching theme that begins to rise again in our psyche with great power – Mary Magdalene is the archetype of our era. 

Mary Magdalene is the Goddess returning to mark the restoration of spiritual balance, beginning with the remembrance of the divine feminine reseated on her throne. The lineage of Goddess energy has arisen in our collective experience to guide, awaken, heal and resurrect the legacy and the longing that lives within us all. 

The Goddess has been dormant for thousands of years and true to the cyclical nature of existence, She is awakening now in our consciousness, our genetic memories and our dna destiny.

Magdalene Reiki Energy Healing

Level One, Level Two and the long awaited unveiling of Level Three Certification with Jet’aime Cherée virtually via Zoom and in-person! 

Jet’aime Cheree has been a Reiki practitioner for 15 years, a Reiki Master for 10 years and received her certification and attunement as a Reiki Master Teacher in Ireland by Eileen Mccourt, a famed Reiki Grande Master of over 25 Reiki modalities.

Jet’aime is now a Reiki Master Teacher of 7 different modalities including traditional Usui Reiki, Magdalene Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, Pyramid of Isis Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Mother Mary Reiki, Celtic Reiki (Holy Grail), and Seraphim Reiki.

What is Magdalene Reiki Energy Healing ?

Magdalene Reiki encompasses a lost knowledge of divine feminine magick and channels the consciousness of folkloric healing through spiritual traditions that originated from the sacred temples and mystery schools of Isis, Hathor, Venus Persephone, Diana, Athena and other Goddesses and Matriarchal Cultures.

Through the use of ancient symbols, divination and universal divine life force, we use energy healing to purify, heal and remember through time and space, bringing harmony and balance to previously distorted or stuck energy. By removing, adjusting or acknowledging mental, emotional and energetic distortions and allowing the energy to release and complete, we restore balance as well as a baseline of remembrance that allows us to move in rhythm with powerful codes of destiny.

The more finely tuned we become as vessels, the deeper our connection becomes to our own spiritual nature and gifts.

The Triple Flames

Magdalene Reiki is a trinity teaching known as the Triple Flame or the Magdalene Flames. The essence of Magdalene healing carries empowerment key codes and ancient wisdom for women serving the sacred flame. The Magdalene Flame is an energy that cannot be possessed, bought, claimed or destroyed, it is the eternal starfire of the pure essence of unconditional love.

The Magdalene Flame is the feminine embodied expression of EROS:

A most powerful teacher of empty presence and profound conduit of the Rose Lineage Mysteries.

Level One Magdalene Reiki Certification aims to align your auric field, emotions, thoughts and actions in soft strength and surrender coming into a whole, holy and complete sense of self with passion and purpose. Additionally, you are given the foundational practices for providing Reiki on yourself, your family, pets and plants in a sacred container to hone your skillset in preparation for offering your gifts to the wider collective (Level 2).

This workshop will help to instill the remembrance of your healing abilities, skills and memories of past, present and future rooting and rising here now as your sovereign truth.

There is no prior knowledge of Reiki or Energy Healing needed for this certification ceremony. However, having experienced energy healing, spiritual practices and meditation may support you greatly.

Come as you are, ready to serve in your divine template as a conduit of healing energy.

Level 1 training includes:

What is Magdalene Reiki and how is it different from other types of energy healing?

Who and what is a Magdalene Healer?

Lineage and Legacy of Feminine Healership

What does it mean to be called to this energy at this time?

Foundational Information on Creating Sacred Space, Energetic Signatures and Languages, Chakras, Meridians, Auras and The Seven Elements.

Esoteric Meaning of Ancient Glyphs+Symbols : The Cross, Rose, Pyramid

Channeling and Focalizing Energy

Magdalene Divination

Initiation + Attunement into the White Temple of Magdalene

Level 1 via Zoom

November 2nd + 3rd 2024

10am- 6pm AST (with 1 hr. break for lunch)

Exchange: $666.00

(includes 2 day Ceremony (w/replay), digital award of certification, & additional initiation amulets available).

Level Two Magdalene Reiki Certification aims to align your somatic field with the awareness of your consciousness, deepen into your innate body intelligence and into the center of the shining gateway of the akashic field. We will open portals to release stagnation and density and receive ancestral and angelic energies that are aligned with individual intentions and inspirations. We will embark upon guided journeys of high and low Magick to find the middle path of the Magdalenes while in a ritual remembrance of our past and future masteries and initiations.

Additionally, you are given the foundational practices for providing Reiki on yourself, your family, clients, and strangers (with energetic permission!) in a constellation that supports your power and passion for sacred service on an individual and collective scale.

This ceremonial workshop will help to instill truth, trust, worth and a wealth of remembrance and reclamation of your healing abilities, skills and memories.

Magdalene Reiki level 2 is a sequencing of divine patterns meant to be a liberated treasury of intuitive body wisdom, womb shamanism and akashic templates embedded within your genome.

Completion of Level 1 Magdalene Reiki Healing is required for this certification ceremony.

Come as you are, ready to serve in your divine template as a conduit of healing energy.

Level 2 training includes:

Womb Shamanism and StarGates

Spinal Column Activation of the Magdalene Flame

Organs as Oracles and Organ Purification

Cord Cutting and Entity Removal

Akashic, Astral and Auric Healing

Initiation + Attunement into the Red Temple of Magdalenes

Mystery School Teachings of Ancient Glyphs+Symbols : Ankh, Holy Grail, Ourobouros

Live Energy Healing Sessions utilizing the White + Red Tantrik path.

Level 2 via Zoom

December 21st + 22nd, 2024

10am- 6pm AST (with 1 hr. break for lunch)

Exchange: $777.00

(includes 2 day Ceremony (w/replay), digital award of certification, & additional initiation amulets available).

Level Three Magdalene Reiki Certification is a deepening of the Magdalene Tantrik healing path. The Tantrik Priestess embraces the spectrum of Shakti sensual alchemy, sex magick, and working with the throne to crown divine pathways of pleasure to heal !

In ancient times, spiritual initiation of priestesses, queens, shamanas, prophetesses, and all women coming into their power presided over sensual rites of awakening of cosmic consciousness. They often used sexual energy, herbs and oils, music, and dance for these initiatory rites. The power of the divine feminine was held in her instinctive sensual consciousness, cycling with the cosmos, brimming with creatrix power, passionate radiance and at ONE with the sacred elemental forces of life, death and rebirth. These memories are still imprinted on our collective consciousness, calling us to remember our lost throne, our sensual place of power.

These practices, rituals and ceremonies stem from the ancient Goddess fertility practices encompassing the forbidden knowledge of sensual tantra and sex magick which was passed down and became the foundation of many matriarchal traditions and cultures such as the Venusian cults, Mystery schools of Isis, Hathor, Aphrodite, Demeter/Persephone, Diana, and many more.

These practices and prayers of pleasure are realigning the body with its true essence and healing the wounds of the soul through the use of rituals, invocations, song, chants, entering trancelike states and alchemical energetic practices that enabled priestesses to leave and enter this world as gatekeepers of divine powers.

"The healing power of touch and the healing power of pleasure are conduits of cosmic sacred energy. Priestesses carry this wisdom, intuition, and divination of ascended beings - of the GODDESS.

These teachings support and guide you through a series of weavings and magical methodologies that thread one back into the heart of radiant and pleasurable divinity.

Completion of Level 1+2 Magdalene Reiki Healing is required for this certification ceremony.

Come as you are, ready to serve in your divine template as a conduit of healing sensual energy.

Level 3 training includes:

An In-Depth Introduction to the Tantrik Priestess Path

Sensual Sorcery + Pleasure Prayers

Alchemical Marriage

Seraphim Forbidden Knowledge

Tantrik Unification of Energy

Initiation + Attunement into the Golden Temple of the Magdalene

Mystery School Teachings of Ancient Glyphs/Symbols: Merkaba, Eye of Isis, Vesica Pisces, Starfire Grail

Live Energy Healing Sessions utilizing White, Red and Black Tantra path.

Astral Erotic Breathwork

Level 3 via Zoom January 25th + 26th, 2025

10am- 6pm AST (with 1 hr. break for lunch)

Exchange: $888.00

(includes 2 day Ceremony (w/replay), digital award of certification, & additional  initiation amulets available).

Details & Registration

When: Virtual Offering

  • Level 1 via Zoom November 2nd + 3rd 2024

10am- 6pm AST (with 1 hr. break for lunch)

Exchange: $666.00 (includes 2 day Ceremony (w/replay), award of certification, & additional   initiation amulets available).

  • Level 2 via Zoom December 21st + 22nd, 2024

10am- 6pm AST (with 1 hr. break for lunch)

Exchange: $777.00 (includes 2 day Ceremony (w/replay), award of certification, & additional  initiation amulets available).

  • Level 3 via Zoom January 25th + 26th, 2025

10am- 6pm AST (with 1 hr. break for lunch)

Exchange: $888.00 (includes 2 day Ceremony (w/replay), award of certification, & additional  initiation amulets available).

Spaces are limited for this intimate and uniquely embodied experience for those that are ready to step into their soul calling.

*** If you feel deeply called to initiate into all three levels of Magdalene Healing, Jetaime will offer 100$ off each level of training.