Friday the 13th: Day of the Goddess

So much of our culture is permeated with veiled symbolism and Friday the 13th is no different. 

Do we even know the origin of these superstitions that surround our current culture and condition us to have a reaction that really has no basis in our own gnosis. 

There is a secret reason why Friday and the number 13 have a very significant meaning in our world that has been hidden, defamed and vilified. A meaning that is only known to those willing to go beyond the veiled reality that cloaks us.

Friday has always had a feminine connotation as it is originally named after Frigg or Frigga - the Norse goddess of marriage, prophecy, clairvoyance and motherhood. Frigg gave protection to homes and families, maintained social order, weaved fates as she possessed the art of prophecy, and bestowed or removed fertility.  She was endowed with the power to perform magic, predict the future, and determine who would die in battles. 

Friday is also named after the planet Venus in most romance languages, the word for Friday derives from dies Veneris, Latin for “day of Venus.” 

In Romanian, Friday is vineri, and in French it is vendredi, Friday in Spanish is Viernes, Friday in Italian is Venerdi… all named after the Goddess and planet of Love, femininity, fertility, sensuality and sexuality. 


In esoteric terms, the number 13 is an ineffable number. 12 is a complete number, and 13 is beyond completion. That is why in the heavens and on earth we have 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 months of the year, 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night, 12 inches in a foot, 12 grades in school, 12 step-programs, 12 jurors, 12 apostles, ect. 

The number 13, has long been regarded as a portentous number by goddess-worshipping cultures and matriarchal societies for its link to the number of lunar and menstrual cycles that occur in a calendar year which create 13 months in a year of 28 days each. Thirteen is a number connected to the planet Venus. The planet of love, femininity and fertility and the number 13 represented goddesses of fertility in ritual or ceremony which symbolize feminine power.

Long ago, when a woman was bleeding she was considered to embody divine and magical powers. She was regarded by all for her wisdom and ability to offer intuitive and psychic messages.

When she was ovulating, she was considered to be at the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, hold and create new life. 

It was only when society became more patriarchal

and Christianity gained momentum in the Middle Ages, leaders took objection to the worship of multiple gods and goddesses, the celebration of Friday and the number 13 and the goddesses who invoked love, sex, fertility, magic and pleasure were deemed unholy; religious authorities branded both the deities and the women who held the ancient ways as witches. For almost a thousand years, this attitude has contributed to the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky and even evil day. 

Ignorance is really our only true enemy.

Fear of the number 13 

is called triskaidekaphobia - where people avoid the number 13 at all costs in their life having a legitimate fear of coming into contact with this auspicious number. 

Triskaidekaphobia relates thé the sacred symbol known as the Triskelion. 

The Triskele symbol, otherwise known as the Triskelion, is a trilateral symbol consisting of three interlocked spirals. life-death-rebirth, past-present-future, earth-water-sky, and creation-protection-destruction. Each one deals with some aspect of personal growth, human development, and spiritual progress. One theory posits that the triskele represents reincarnation, as it consists of one continuous line that could be analogous to the unbroken movement of time. In this context, it represents the process of constantly moving forward to reach a state of understanding and enlightenment. Other alternative explanations of the Triskelion revolve around the theory of triple stranded DNA and evolutionary ascension. 

The Power of 13:

The number '13' represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13)

The equinoxes and solstices are 13 weeks apart from each other, M is the 13th letter of the English alphabet, and the name Mary Magdalene has 13 letters.

The number 13 is the final number. It represents the spirit world, the day of the Goddess, a day to worship the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.

Friday the 13th here and is a Feminine Empowerment Day. It’s a day to celebrate the fertility and fierceness of the feminine and the Fire that fuels us all.


The Holy Whore


Akashic Records