Summer Solstice • Litha • Midsummer

The ancient shaman Druids called it

Alban Heruin, 
the light of Summer, for the magic of Litha is about fire and light, the source of power, creation and destruction and Spirit itself. 

The energy of Summer Solstice holds the pendulum balance of worlds at its zenith and the magical practitioner of life can see the greater wheel of the cycles of existence from an aerial view of sunlit perspective. From here the potential becomes poignant and mastery can be realized. 

The magic of the sun at its height is phenomenon that is no longer coy about its powers or prowess and burns away the mediocrity of the mundane to show the beautiful symbol of holy things.

In mystic language we speak of our Sun as the heart of our solar system, with the physical sun representing the consciousness of source. The sun‘s influence awakens the seeds of solar activated service bringing inner forms to life, stimulating progress and passion and calling forth ancient future patterns from the seat of our psyche. Many monuments of antiquity like Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids were built to align with the sun’s position during the Summer solstice as teachers of archaic wisdom found the actions of the sun as instructions of spiritual light, clearing and cleansing, and called this purified state of consciousness

- enlightenment -

Litha is the ceremony of the Great Creator spell casting sunlight into enlightened servants without distortion; sparking to life the full height of the divine within and without. This resurrected quality of mind within causes to produce an enhanced development of higher states of altered consciousness available and ready to become a direct link between ourselves and Divine power.

This grande illumination shines the lighted torch into any darkness, symbolically bringing the lamp of consciousness into the darkest unexplored or repressed places of our unconscious minds and even here in the height of the sun, one honors the journey to death. Litha faces across the wheel of the year to

Yule - the gate of death and rebirth. 

Life at its ascended and highest reflects death at its descended and deepest. Understanding and experiencing the powerful balance of life and death can be magic from the path of the deepest knowledge. Life sacrifices itself so that others may live…and the initiate of life, the true alchemist, knows that they must destroy in order to create; they must release in order to make space.

Litha is life as an ascended giant, light at its height, and standing on the shoulders of giants, you can see a long way. This light of Summer solstice can be seen as the expression of the enormity of who you really are. It is painted across the earth as a mirror image of your divine abundance and beauty and that which is yet to be experienced of your raw, ripened fullness. 

This is the very nature of spirituality, magic and the ancient ways within a cycle of joy and grief and wisdom and evolution through the power of Ritual, Ceremony and Divination.

The experience of your spiritual practice based in the sun, the moon, the stars, the land and the seasons themselves is known as the doctrine of Immanence which holds that the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material and suggests that the spiritual world permeates the mundane at every level. 

The veils between the worlds are thin at Midsummer; the portals between the realms we know and the worlds beyond stand open and inviting and the availability of light speed magick, manifestation and empowerment is at its zenith during this time when “The Soul stands still”. 

This baptism by fire is invitation, introduction and inspiration for the continuity of consciousness as a keyhole to heaven through Y O U, the code carrying holy vessel of everlasting life and light.


Blessed Litha

Blessed Midsummer

Blessed Summer Solstice 

Blessed Alban Heruin

Blessed Fire of the Ancients 

May We Blaze in Our Becoming -

From darkness to light 

From unreal to real 

From death to immortality 

From chaos to potential

From individual to the universal 

From infinite cycles to the One life 

From manifestation of many to the return to Sacred Source



We create with fire 

We strive with fire 

We live in fire 

Each Spark kindling a recorded consciousness 

Each striving arrow has found its flow to home.

I am a point of light within a greater light.

Embraced by the light, 

Transformed in the light,

We become both the future and the light 

We become both the past and the light 

We become both the infinite light

So it is 

So more it be 

Blessed be 

Divination & Ceremony 

This is an excellent time for rites of divination, ancestral communication, traditional handfasting, weddings, ritual devotions and communication with the spirits of Nature. Bonfires, processions, all night vigils, singing, feasting, cutting divining rods, dowsing rods & wands, herb gathering, women walking naked through gardens to ensure continued fertility, enjoying the seasonal fruits & vegetables.

And above all, it is an excellent time to express thanks to your God or Goddess for access to emotional energy, excitement, passion, happiness, joy and celebration which gives your magic a potency almost second to none as gratitude becomes the greatest tool of all spiritual and magical growth.


The faeries abound at this time and it is customary to leave offerings – such as food or herbs – for them in the evening.

Although Litha may seem at first glance to be a masculine observance and one which focuses on the Yang qualities of the Sun God, the day is also dedicated to the Goddess and Rededication to the Lord and Lady, the marriage of magic.


Blue, green, gold, yellow and red.


Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Venus, Aphrodite, Yemaya, Astarte, Freya, Hathor, Ishtar, all Goddesses of love, passion, beauty and the Sea, Pregnant,
lusty Goddesses, Green Forest Mother, Great One of the Stars, Goddess of the Wells


Father Sun/Sky, Oak King, Green Man, Holly King, Horus, Dionysus, Lugh, Thoth, Osiris, Hermès, ArchAngel Michael, Gods at peak power and strength.

Animals/Mythical Beings

Horses, cattle, faeries, firebird, dragon, Phoenix.


Lapis lazuli, diamond, tiger’s eye, emerald and jade, carnelian, citrine, pyrite, Smokey quartz, opal, golden healers. 


Anise, mugwort, chamomile, rose, wild rose, oak blossoms, lily, cinquefoil, lavender,
fennel, elder, mistletoe, hemp, thyme, larkspur, nettle, wisteria, vervain (verbena), St. John’s wort, rue, fern, wormwood, pine, heather, yarrow, oak & holly trees.


Heliotrope, saffron, orange, frankincense & myrrh, wisteria, cinnamon, mint, rose, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, pine


Nature spirit & Faery communion, planet healing, crystal gridding, divination, love & protection magicks.


Honey, fresh vegetables, lemons, oranges, summer fruits, summer squash, pumpernickel bread, ale, carrot drinks, mead.


Akashic Records