Black Madonna

Queen of Rebirth

"Do you know why they cut down and silence the feminine? Because she is wet and dark and tangled and powerful beyond measure.” 

Many of the Black Madonna statues are said to be powerful shamanic objects carved from special dark stone fallen from the cosmos holding powers of black light and lunar shamanic consciousness. The Black Madonna energies act as a spirit door opening to the realms of luminescence within a cave consciouness. The Black Madonna is linked to the ancient dark goddesses of Egypt, Ireland, India, Africa and Scotland like Kali Ma, Sekhmet, the Morrigan and the Cailleach.

She is the Queen of starry cycles, heralding from the visionary space of the void moon, proclaiming dominion over darkness as her secret space and carrying wordless messages between worlds.

“I am She that will heal you. I will take your pain and transform it into Light, so you have no fear of me, and like the black stone I am full of light, like the night sky I am full of stars. I am pure love. I am deep black night, I am velvet, I am the womb. I will soak up all your fear and transform them. Yes I am the Magdalene.”

Mary Magdalene, as a sacred priestess of the Womb Rites, knew how to embody the wisdom of light and dark, known as the “dark bright” or “black light”, and how to dissolve, cleanse, and resurrect the soul. The Black Madonna is an aspect of Mary Magdalene, Isis, Ishtar, Inanna and Sophia and is an expression of the great all powerful hidden black womb mothers of the void, of the Chaos before it is organized and architected. The energies of the Black Madonna is a cauldron blend representing the hidden mystery teachings, the black cloak of the Nazarene, the dark womb cave of wisdom within us, the void of consciousness that has no definition except to lead us on the chthonic path of facing fears to find the Light. She is depicted as black because she is the Goddess veiled, her mysteries kept in darkness and silence for ages until those that are worthy to lift her veils and journey into the mysterious unknown have arrived. She wears a black hood as one of her aspects of the night, of the deepest emotions buried beneath you, the shadows of the wild woman, the cry of the wolf, the wild winds, the gnarled roots of the forest and the hurricane rains that can soften to a sweet drizzle as She wills it. She is the tide of subconscious instinctual emotions and deep dark cycles that represent the moon, the waters, the subconscious - all things dark and wet and tangled - all things feminine.

This black holds the most brilliant Light as Darkness is just light so bright that is hasn’t been perceived yet.

The Black Madonna is a personification of the black cosmic egg or void. Within this egg is a seed of brilliant white light that is the cosmic centre, a light vortex that consumes all shadow and transforms it into white brilliance as both and all.

Those that would look upon the dark and see the light are those that find they are the illumination in the darkness, they themselves are both personifications of light and dark simultaneously as the Black Madonna in true form.