Diana | Artemis
Goddess of the Witches, Diana was the Great Goddess of the lengendary Amazons, the wise women and women warriors of ancient Thrace, Macedonia, North and West Africa and Libya. Her name may have come from diviana (the shining one of divinity) and she was known as the pure Huntress of the Moon, and the protectress of wild animals and women. As Goddess of the hunt, she is seen as a figure who provides guidance to witches, priestesses and holy women and teaches them how to use their magic for the benefit of all. Her followers were young women and those touched by the sight and no man could enter her temple. As the personification of the Moon, she rides the clouds, filling the nights with psychic brilliance. Diana is also a personification or archetype of Artemis, the orgiastic and many-breasted Mother of All; in this form she was honored at the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus in Turkey built by Amazons, and considered one of the wonders of the ancient world.
Diana | Artemis witnessed the oppression of women in ancient times and so she embarked upon a journey to teach the craft of power to stand up to their oppressors.
Because of this, Diana is known as the Queen of the Witches. She was one of the reasons Wicca and witchcraft proliferated throughout the ancient world and survives to this day and many origins of craft are Dianic in nature.
Artemis of the wildland is Mistress of Animals, Goddess of the hunt, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women. She is often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. She was known to spin the thread of life, the web of destiny and fate at the roots of the cosmic world tree. Artemis believed that she had been chosen by the Fates to be a midwife of wisdom and creativity. All of her companions remained virgins, and Artemis closely guarded her own chastity. Her symbols included the golden bow and arrow, the hunting dog, the stag, and the moon. Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and the twin sister of Apollo, the Sun God, making her the personification of the Moon Goddess.