Queen, Mistress of Magic, mighty in power, blinding in beauty, and loving beyond all human understanding.
Isis’ talents are oracular divination, fertility, midwifery, magical healing, comforting the bereaved, commanding the elements, resurrecting the dead, master of alchemy and tantrik initiations.
Isis is the bridge between the upper and lower worlds, creating the consciousness that pulls together the above and the below and is the conduit through which creation becomes divine.
Be with us great Goddess, bless us with your sacred work
Isis is the supreme mother goddess of the Egyptian tradition and was the foremost goddesses worshipped around the world. Shrines to Isis are found on every part of the globe with hundreds in France alone, featuring central images of her nursing an infant child, associated with the icon of Mother Mary. Paris itself is named after Isis, as the parasaii (parishioners of Isis) and Par-isis means the place beside Isis. As the Mistress of 1,000 names, Isis is the producer and giver of Life. She dwells in the depths and heights of every being. If you call to to her in any moment, She will answer you. If you prepare a place within your heart for Her to dwell, She will be living within you. "Isis can resurrect the dead, bestow the gift of fertility, wisdom and Kingship. This Goddess of creation can help revive, inspire, and resurrect your true form of power within you now.
She lives in the endless murmuring of the sea and streams and sparkles in the sheen of stones.
Her laughter whispers in the rustlings of leaves and dwells in the glow of sunlit things.
She is the soft, silent shadow of the night as She is night and her children are the stars.
She is Twilight, the Opening Between Worlds and the growth in the secret recesses of the Earth.
She lives in wonderment and delight in women and men and is a beautiful festival of heaven and earth and all realms of existence.
She dwells in the sky as the silver sheen of the Four Fold Moon and its pale quiet light and reflects the sweet coolness of the air and the refreshing caresses of soft winds.
She is the stark, gaunt majesty of the mountains and the green softness of hills.
She dwells in the wellsprings of the self where one goes to draw nourishment and strength for one's being.
She lives in the sustaining and nourishing qualities of what one drinks, eats, or breathes, offering and giving of Herself to preserve one in eternal aliveness.
She is the sustainer of souls and the spirit of sacred, relentless sureness of self.
She is the Mistress of Mysteries and a lamp in the darkness to all who would seek Her and learn of Her ways.
She can be as cold as ice and yet burn like fire as She seeks to bring all to wholeness, completion, and transfiguration.
She is the Womb of time and Being and all dwells in and as part of Her.
Grace is She and She is ALL