
Mary Magdalene, the illuminated woman who knew the All is a dream oracle, sensual wisdom keeper, ecstatic prophet, High Priestess of Isis, the alabaster annointress, tantrik mystic and soul doula. Mary Magdalene is an emissary of the Goddess, teaching the codes of feminine magic to humanity.

Mary Magdalene is a talismanic name that carries power and passion and as a priestess of the womb rites, she embodies the wisdom of light and dark and how to dissolve, cleanse and revivify the soul.

The name Magdalene at its origin means magic doorway or portal of the Great Mother. Mary, Mari, Mar, or Mer are not ordinary names; they are priestess titles and words that mean “mother, beloved, waters or seas, and radiance/feminine light” in many of the oldest languages of the world, including ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, and Indo-European languages.

Additionally, The Latin root of maga is a derivative of Magdala and means - female magician - the feminine version of magus or mage.

Magdalene is a word of great feminine Magick and as a title means the initiator, the annointress as well as in Aramaic and Hebrew, the root of magdal meaning “elevated, magnificent, tower or throne.

When we speak of the Magdalene, we speak of a powerful spiritual master, a holy women in her own right, mother of the royal lineage, the first apostle, a priestess queen who came to initiate the masculine into his divinity, into his kingship. the Magdalene is a a King Maker through her embodiment of the Goddess on Earth.