Island Movement: Mini + Full Sessions 

Akashic Record Reading 

Mini Session 1 Hour — $144

Full Session 2 Hours — $288

Your Akashic Record is the divine knowing of the entire experience of your soul holding the wisdom of who you are in purest form. 

A reading filters through your soul’s lifetimes, origins, emotions, past and future that hold the energetic imprint of life experienced in each incarnation. It is a deep remembrance and activation of your sacred origins and an invitation to reawaken the tame and the wild gifts available to you in this lifetime. 

Kundalini Alchemy 

2 Hours — $288

Kundalini Bodywork as a holistic system that supports the process of soul evolution, ascension, awakening and enlightenment in its many forms. Kundalini Alchemy sessions hold space for the awakening of multidimensional shifts and awareness that make space for activating DNA, opening clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, feeling connected to the oneness of the universe, your mind feeling expanded in its quest for higher awareness and knowledge, allowing our ego to step aside and connect in with higher frequencies of thought and consciousness, feeling unconditional love, peace and connection with divinity.

Tarot Temple Readings

45 min — $111

1.5 hours — $166

The Tarot is a tool, an ally and a mentor for those who are open and ready to hear the symbolic language of the Soul. Through the interpretation of glyphs, colors, numbers, astrology and more, a divining ceremony is created with 78 mystical cards as a mirror for self-reflection, assisting in the illumination of our most complex desires and dilemmas.

In order to receive guidance, we must learn the language.

Magdalene Energy Healing

60 minutes — $144

90 minutes — $188

Magdalene Energy Healing is a doorway to the rebirth of the soul of humanity and the memory of our sacred roots in the Mother of Creation. Through communion with the divine feminine energies, we enter this portal within ourselves where we activate, initiate and empower our energetic essence. We awaken to our whole, holy and healed potential.

Book your session with Jet’aime: