Magdalene Initiation Cord - Temple of the White Flame
The Knot of Isis is known as the initiation cord of the Priestess Lineage. It was a sacred talisman given as a sign of initiation into a specific lineage, modality or mastery. The Knot of Isis symbolize the Goddess as great weaver of the life-web and was sacred to priestesses and their ceremonies, rituals and divination. The cord is an ancient remembrance of when rhyme and meter and other poetic chanting devices were used as linguistic knots to bind and concentrate magic energies. The cord is a highly charged symbol used to communicate herstory and myth imbued with magical capacity.
Initiation cords are to be word during temple gatherings, ceremonies and initiations.
Magdalene Initiates of the White Triple Flame will receive the White Cord
Magdalene Initiates of the Red Triple Flame will receive the Red Cord
Magdalene Initiates of the Gold Triple Flame will receive the Gold Cord
The Knot of Isis is known as the initiation cord of the Priestess Lineage. It was a sacred talisman given as a sign of initiation into a specific lineage, modality or mastery. The Knot of Isis symbolize the Goddess as great weaver of the life-web and was sacred to priestesses and their ceremonies, rituals and divination. The cord is an ancient remembrance of when rhyme and meter and other poetic chanting devices were used as linguistic knots to bind and concentrate magic energies. The cord is a highly charged symbol used to communicate herstory and myth imbued with magical capacity.
Initiation cords are to be word during temple gatherings, ceremonies and initiations.
Magdalene Initiates of the White Triple Flame will receive the White Cord
Magdalene Initiates of the Red Triple Flame will receive the Red Cord
Magdalene Initiates of the Gold Triple Flame will receive the Gold Cord
The Knot of Isis is known as the initiation cord of the Priestess Lineage. It was a sacred talisman given as a sign of initiation into a specific lineage, modality or mastery. The Knot of Isis symbolize the Goddess as great weaver of the life-web and was sacred to priestesses and their ceremonies, rituals and divination. The cord is an ancient remembrance of when rhyme and meter and other poetic chanting devices were used as linguistic knots to bind and concentrate magic energies. The cord is a highly charged symbol used to communicate herstory and myth imbued with magical capacity.
Initiation cords are to be word during temple gatherings, ceremonies and initiations.
Magdalene Initiates of the White Triple Flame will receive the White Cord
Magdalene Initiates of the Red Triple Flame will receive the Red Cord
Magdalene Initiates of the Gold Triple Flame will receive the Gold Cord